
Fresh + Green Creme Comparison

A few weeks ago I picked up Orly’s Fresh from the Happy Go Lucky collection. This is a bright yellow-green creme. I think the name is very suitable as it does look fresh to me!

I really love the colour, but I did have some problems with the formula — at first coat it appeared to be very watery and sheer. 😦 Fortunately, a second, thicker coat proved enough to gain opacity. Still, the thick coat lead to some bubbling and this “instant tip wear” that I associate with sheer polishes.

It’s pretty different from most of my green cremes… These are the ones that I have which are the closest.

Left-to-right: OPI Who The Shrek Are You?, Alessandro Mojito Mint, Sinful Colors Innocent, Orly Fresh

All are two coats except Mojito Mint, which is three. As you can see, while the other three are quite similar, Fresh is quite a bit greener.


Something Blue…

It’s been almost a year since I first started collecting nail polish and about half a year since I started this blog. I have around two hundred polishes right now and lately I’ve been feeling like there’s nothing new under the sun. 😛 Polish wise, that is.

I’m sure it’ll pass. In fact, there’s a huge sale at (Tallinna) Kaubamaja starting from tomorrow and there should be lots on inexpensive polish. I saw some Depend crackle effects being put on display for tomorrow… So, hopefully, that’ll get me out of my slump. 😉

So, something old and blue today. One of the very first polishes I bought last summer — Alessandro’s Midnight Hour. Two coats of navy shimmer amazingness, full of silver micro-glitter and red-to-green opalescent flakies. I dare you to name a polish even remotely similar to this.

While it sparkles like crazy in direct sunlight, I think indirect light (like the second picture) really shows the complexity of this polish. ♥


Going Red Again

Ages ago, I got this little bottle of a shimmery red Alessandro polish as a gwp. As it really wasn’t my colour, I haven’t worn it on its own before, but I did discover that its opaque one coat formula makes for a great stamping polish. 🙂

This time, on its own, however. Alessandro No 184 is a shimmery, glowy cherry red with an excellent formula and great coverage.

It strikes me as very autumnal and I’m not sure if I’m gonna wear it on its own again… I’m really happy to have it in my stamping arsenal though!


Mojito Mint

The last of the four Beach Beauty polishes I bought is the one I had the greatest expectations of… in the bottle Mojito Mint appears a bright yellow-green creme. Now, in reality, it’s a jelly. Very very sheer and a lot yellower on the nails than in the bottle. Actually, with the first coat, it just looked like my nails were one big yellow bruise.

It took four coats to build to opacity and even then you can spy some nail line on my ring finger for example. It also had tons of tiny bubbles as it dried, probably due to the four thick coats.

It’s still a truly beautiful squishy looking polish though! Just a lot of work to apply…

The bottom line with this one is that there are quite a few opaque yellow-green cremes out there that are a lot less work.

On the other hand, as it is a jelly, it manages to look sort of glassy and deep compared to some others.

Frankly, I haven’t made up my mind yet if I’m happy to own this polish or not.


Chocolate Flip

Today, I’m wearing my third polish from Alessandro’s Beach Beauty collection. This one is pretty different from the previous two — a pretty understated neutral. Chocolate Flip is a yellowish tan creme with large flecky shimmer in copper and silver. The shimmer would be similar to Sally Hansen’s Mystic Lilac, but as the base of the polish is really opaque, doesn’t translate to the nail as well.

This is 1-2 coats, depending on the nail.

It’s not as intriguing looking on the nails as in the bottle… Nevertheless, Chocolate Flip is a lovely summery neutral.
